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美国NovaBios埃博拉病毒检测试剂盒(美国进口) 需要了解美国NovaBios公司的埃博拉病毒检测试剂可以欢迎来电咨询我们,埃博拉试剂由广州健仑生物供应。

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【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】802525278 020-82574011  杨永汉

【公司传真】 020-32206070
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【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103室

On October 13, 2014, Canada indicated that it would launch a human clinical trial of the experimental Ebola vaccine, which is expected to be the earliest result in December. Clinical trials will be conducted at the Walter Reed Ebola Virus Institute in Maryland to test the safety of the vaccine, the appropriate dose required to produce the antibody, and the possible side effects. The Canadian government has provided 20 bottles of vaccine for clinical trials.
Research progress Ebola
August 26, 2014, the United States Galveston University of Texas University scientists said that the last to kill the patient is not a virus, but the patient's own immune system. To the final stage of the course of disease, the patient's blood vessels will appear subtle leakage. The patient will essentially lose blood pressure, body temperature drop, into the shock. The daily work of the immune system is to clear the infection. But if it is activated to the limit or out of control, it will hurt the host. The most extreme immune attack is "cytokine storm". Ebola virus infection in the final stage, the cytokine storm is the deadly killer, like Ebola and SARS like a lot of viruses are the same, can trigger the immune system on the body of the fierce attack. Immune cells communicate with each other through cytokines. Cytokines are small molecules that release cells into the blood. They can cause immune cells to rush to the site of infection, devour the damaged cells, and even penetrate the blood vessel wall. Cytokines can also cause inflammation, swelling, fever, and pain in the damaged body. Cytokine storm is a help signal, the purpose is to let the immune system all the time full of fire. This last time the Ebola virus attack can damage the virus, but it will leave a lot of joint damage. The blood vessels bear the most important offensive. The cytokine storm makes the vessel wall easier to penetrate. So arteries, veins and capillaries begin to bleed blood and plasma. Cytokine storms also cause a large release of nitric oxide. This substance further dilutes the blood and destroys the blood vessels. These factors together, the blood pressure down to a dangerous level, so the patient is not died of blood loss, but died of a similar problem of severe septic shock. Ebola virus will immediately target and infect the immune system cells, one of which is dendritic cells. It will quietly sneak into dendritic cells inside, essentially shutting down their alarm systems. So the immune system does not know that it should manufacture antibodies against the Ebola virus. The body has no resistance, so the Ebola virus crazy self-replicating, a cell may even be a number of violations of the virus. Even the AIDS virus will not do that, the blood of the virus grow uncontrolled, infected with a lot of organs. Eventually many immature cells die or are destroyed. Thus leading to tissue necrosis of patients. The dead cells release all of their contents into the blood and eventually trigger a "cytokine storm".
On September 27, 2014, a quarantine center in Doberman Fort, Doctor Logan, took the Ebola-infected drug in the clinic to take the treatment of AIDS with lamivudine. Of the 15 people, 13 survived the mortality rate from The original 70% down to 13%.
October 8, 2014, the WHO data indicate that the Ebola virus in the rehabilitation of men's Ebola, can survive at least 70 to 90 days, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine professor Pio suggested, Suggestions have been infected with Ebola male patients, 90 days after rehabilitation Ebola need to wear Ebola.
On October 12, 2014, a study by the World Health Organization (WHO) for 3343 confirmed cases and 667 suspected cases showed that more than 10% of Ebola virus-infected people had no fever symptoms. "It 's probably not enough to use only the temperature reading," said Dutch physician Nick Zuen Coles. "It seems that in the first stage, Ebola will appear in the absence of fever.





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