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Roman Names(罗马人的名字) – 铁血网

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Men's Names

Originally a Roman name consisted of three elements: a personal name (praenomen), and name indicating the clan (gens, pl. gentes) to which he belonged, and his filiation, that is, the indication of his father's praenomen. This system is unique to the peoples of ancient Italy (there is some variation in the filiation, which appears between the praenomen and nomen in some areas). Where and when this system arose is unknown.


最初,罗马人的名字是由三个部分组成的:①本名(praenomen=given name);②氏族名(gens, pl. gentes),即表示该男子所从属的氏族的名字;③父名(filiation),显示其父亲的本名。在远古的意大利人中这是很独特的(父名存在着某种变化,在某些地区,父名出现在本名和氏族名之间)。这一命名体系的起源时间及地域尚不得而知。

1) Praenomen

The praenomen was the personal name. The Romans had less than thirty of them in total and only about ten were at all common. They were normally abbreviated:











(In C. and Cn., the use of the letter C to represent the sound G shows an archaic use of the letter's original pronunciation.)

Certain praenomens were maintained only among particular patrician families: App.=Appius, Ser.=Servius. The names of the kings (apart from Romulus) all have the appearance of a regular Roman name, but their praenomens are often not among the normal ones of the later period: Numa, Tullus, Ancus. The attested nomen Tullius seems to be derived from a praenomen Tullus just as the nomen Marcius is derived from the praenomen Marcus, which suggests that there had been a praenomen Tullus, even though no such praenomen is attested in historical period. This peculiarity of praenomens perhaps lends credibility at least to the names of the kings: if the names had been made up, more regular ones would have been chosen.



·A.=Aulus 奥路斯

·C.=Gaius 盖乌斯

·Cn.=Gnaeus 格涅乌斯

·D.=Decimus 德西穆斯

·L.=Lucius 路西乌斯

·M.=Marcus 玛尔库斯

·P.=Publius 普布利乌斯

·Q.=Quintus 克温图斯

·T.=Titus 提图斯

·Ti.=Tiberius 提贝里乌斯


某些本名仅仅在特定的氏族贵族家族中保留使用,例如App.=阿皮乌斯, Ser.=塞尔维乌斯等。除罗慕路斯之外的早期国王们都有着一个常见的罗马名字,可他们的本名都不属晚期常见的名字:努玛、图路斯、安库斯。正如氏族名Marcius源自本名Marcus一样,氏族名图利乌斯(Tullius)源自本名Tullus, 这似乎暗示有这么一个本名Tullus,虽然在历史上并没有记录有叫这个本名的人。这种奇怪的现象可能使得诸国王的本名更为可信:如果这些名字是臆造的,那也应该选一些更常见的名字。

2) Nomen

The second element, the nomen, was in origin the name of a man's gens or clan. Everyone of freeborn origin supposedly originally went back to some common ancestor, though foreigners made citizens and freed slaves adopted regular Roman names. Native Roman nomens regularly end in -ius: (Julius, Tullius, Sempronius, Quinctilius), though by the late Republic one encounters other endings (esp. those of Etruscan origin).


第二个部分,氏族名源自该男子所属的(父系)氏族或家族。尽管归化为罗马公民的异邦人或是获释奴也会采用一个常见的罗马名字,凡是生而自由的人们都认为可被追溯到某个共同的祖先。罗马原有的氏族名一般会以”-ius”结尾:Julius, Tullius, Sempronius, Quinctilius(优利乌斯、图利乌斯、显普洛尼乌斯、昆克提利乌斯),但到共和晚期时人们会遇到以其它音结尾的名字(特别是那些源自伊特鲁斯坎的名字)。

3) Filiation

In the beginning the praenomen and nomen constituted a Roman's full name and were followed by the so-called filiation (a patronymic or indication of paternity). The filiation consisted of the Latin word for "son" filius (abbreviated by the latter f.) preceeded by the abbreviation of the father's praenomen, which was understood in the genitive. Hence, a Roman might have been known as M. Antonius M. f. (=Marci filius), that is, Marcus Antonius, the son of Marcus.


最初,罗马人的全名就是由本名和氏族名构成的,后面再加上所谓的父名(根据父亲的名字或是表示父子关系的名字)。父名中含有一个拉丁词filius(意为“之子”),缩写为“f.”,跟在按属格书写的父亲本名缩写之后。因此,我们所知的罗马人的名字可能是M. Antonius M. f. (=Marci filius),意即:玛尔库斯·安托尼乌斯,玛尔库斯之子。

4) Tribal designation

Roman Names(罗马人的名字) – 铁血网:https://www.2ndflr.com/dm/yidali/luoma/923638.html




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