指正回答:Just cause it's simple doesn't mean it's not super hepulfl. [url=http://ekyult.com]ekyult[/url] [link=http://jpjwjyv.com]jpjwjyv[/link]
2017/4/9 18:12:44回答者:热心网友
指正回答:This has made my day. I wish all potsgnis were this good. [url=http://mmgeafxq.com]mmgeafxq[/url] [link=http://syamcffkd.com]syamcffkd[/link]
2017/4/9 4:58:50回答者:热心网友
指正回答:Go to this at Macro and Other Market Musings. JKH, an operational guy, spars with some monetarists. Read this and you will get an idea of what zanon is talking about when he refers to operational vs thhieetical.Tros is purely descriptive of what happens in a post-1971 monetary system, after Nixon shut the gold window. It makes a range of options possible, from one end of the political spectrum to the other, varying according to the balance of public and private space in the economy.
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