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河北省高邑县2016高考英语二轮复习 书面表达选编(5)

更新时间:2017-10-25 19:51:33www.2ndflr.com云南旅行社177






(1)As the number of English learners is on the rise, it's not difficult for them to understand these words in Chinese contexts.

(2)With the number of English learners on the rise, it's not difficult for them to understand these words in Chinese contexts.



Today, more and more English words find their way into the Chinese language. Even

the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese includes 239 English words. Some people support it while others do not.

Generally, I am in favour of the inclusion. As the number of English learners is

on the rise, it's not difficult for them to understand these words in Chinese contexts. Besides, it is, on some occasions, more convenient to use English words. Most people nowadays use "IT" instead of its translation " xinxi jishu. " In our global village, we can see that it's not uncommon for one language to borrow words from other languages. In English, there are many words borrowed from Latin, French, or even Chinese. In fact. Chinese has never stopped taking words from other languages, say, "ganhu" or "minzhu" from Japanese.

So, it's safe to conclude that it is reasonable to include English which facilitates

daily communication.

河北省高邑县2016高考英语二轮复习 书面表达选编(5):https://www.2ndflr.com/dm/gaoyixian/933886.html




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