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  2005年07月18日  浙江在线新闻网站




让·平外长的祖籍在浙江温州鹿城区临江镇驿头地方。上个世纪20年代,让· 平的父亲程三康就是从瓯江南岸这个风景秀丽的山村起步,到达欧洲、非洲开拓他的事业的。七八十年过去,海天相隔,人事渺茫,驿头地方已经很少有人记得这件事了。然而在1994年9月初,一个让人们惊诧不已的消息忽而在驿头地方传扬开来:非洲加蓬共和国外交与合作部部长不日要来驿头地方寻根问祖和探望他的伯母孙老太太。一些不明就里的人便在猜测:莫非是谣传吧?就算有这人,七十来年了,三康老(乡人对让·平外长父亲的昵称)都没回来过一趟,他这个素昧平生的儿子能回来吗?
  虽然语言不通,肤色不同,但让·平对故乡对亲情的深沉眷念并未因此有一丝削减,这位外长一进村,就直奔他父亲祖辈当年生活过的祖居,与从未谋面的孙老太太等家人亲切相见。祖居是一座古朴而具有浙南民居特色的二进老宅,宅里迎接他的父老乡亲早已济济一堂。让·平外长平易近人,他一一与这些朴实的乡人们打招呼、拥抱,以表达心中积蓄已久的感情。当他来到70多岁的老农程青权跟前,得知他是与父亲辈分相同的长辈时,热情地与这位衣着陈旧、满脸皱纹的乡下老汉深情地拥抱。事后,他带着一片真情,向程青权等人打听,自己在当地程氏家族中属于哪一辈?并嘱咐大家好好生活,注意身体,他以后还要来看望他们!祖居里物是人非,但留有外长先人的许多生活痕迹:在古香古色的木床前,他踟蹰停留,留影纪念;在后厅,他看到手摇式风车,也饶有兴致地动手摇了起来;看到墙边的大酒瓮,他伸手拍一拍……祖居里一件件家什农具,不仅勾起让·平外长对先人的思念,还激起这位海外华裔对东方乡土生活的兴趣,他不住地说: “我今后还会来!”


早在1986年让·平任加蓬民主党中央委员时,一些在加蓬经商的驿头乡人告诉他,温州家乡有修氏族家谱的风俗,程氏家族也要修族谱,问他是不是也将名字列入谱中。当他理解了温州风俗中修撰宗谱的意义以后,欣然答应,于是,让·平的名字载入了驿头程氏的家谱里。不过按族中排辈,让·平这一辈属“正”字辈,又因为他身居国外,属华侨眷,故族中父老按辈分给他取名为“程正侨”。现在所见 1986年修撰的驿头程氏房谱里,赫然有“正侨”这名字,这便是加蓬外长让·平在故乡的“符号”。



Foreign Minister's Chinese Root in Wenzhou
By Zhuang Qianhui, Yu Dongqing

Just the other day, a Chinese delegation brought a large-size boxwood sculpture all the way to the Gabonese Republic and presented the gift to Jean Ping, foreign minister. Headed by Wang Chaojun, a government head of Lucheng District of Wenzhou in southern Zhejiang Province, the delegation consisted of hometown people of Jean Ping.
Jean Ping's father was Cheng Sankang. It was from Yitou village on the picturesque southern shore of Ou River that Cheng Sankang set out to try his luck in Europe and Africa in the 1920s. After about seven decades, few in the village still remembered their fellow villager who had ventured overseas. Villagers were surprised to hear in early September 1994 that the foreign minister of Gabon would come to visit his aunt in Yitou. Some villagers wondered if the news was true. Their doubt sounded justifiable: if Sankang had never come back, how come his son could make up his mind for homecoming?
Jean Ping arrived on September 19th 1994. Dark skinned with curly hair, the tall African in his 50s came together with his wife to seek roots in Yitou. Local people called him Cheng Rangping.
Jean Ping went straight to the ancestral house where his father once lived and where his relatives still live today. In the two-section courtyard his relatives were waiting. The reunion was quite emotional. Jean Ping hugged all his relatives. And he asked about his own position in the family hierarchy. Then his relatives took the visitors around to see the house and courtyard. Jean Ping saw the large-size bed and took pictures there. He turned a winnower and gently shook a wine jar curiously. He said he was quite interested in things in his home village and promised to come back again.
He came back again in April 2000 and in the autumn 2003. He visited his ancestral tombs. He donated 10,000 Francs to Yitou Primary School. He said he would like to donate money to have a pavilion built in the village to promote the friendship between China and Gabon.
As far back as in 1986, Jean Ping learned from business people from Yitou in Gabon that families in Wenzhou have the tradition of writing their family histories. Jean Ping was asked whether he would like to have his name added to his family genealogy back home in Wenzhou. After learning about the tradition, Jean Ping agreed willingly. As Jean Ping belongs to the generation whose first Chinese character of the given name is Zheng and he is overseas, so he is known as Zhengqiao in the book.
During the first visit to the village, he asked his niece to have the family genealogy translated and copied so that he could bring it home in Gabon.
In a quiet hillside of Yitou village stands a stele. It was erected in the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty (1364-1644) under the instruction of the royal court. On the stele is an imperial decree by the emperor that praised an ancestor of the Cheng Family for his generous deed for local people. In October 2003, Jean Ping visited the stele during his participation in the World Wenzhou Natives Congress held in Wenzhou. He also toured the nearby scenic spots and was deeply impressed by the scenery.
In July 2003, the home village people decided to make a souvenir for Jean Ping. After many sessions of discussion, it was decided that the Yitou scenery should be made into a boxwood sculpture so that the foreign minister could see his hometown at anytime in Gabon.
After two months, the sculpture came into being. The picturesque village with its streams and hills is all on the wood-carving masterpiece. Wang Chaojun was asked to inscribe. He chose two lines from a poem by Tang Dynasty (618-907) poet Du Fu and wrote the ten characters in calligraphy.
It has been delivered to Jean Ping's office in Gabon, where he can look at the sculpture everyday.
(Translated by David)






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