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更新时间:2017-10-27 15:59:53www.2ndflr.com云南旅行社128



廖方1 席孝义2 杨志民3

(四川省地矿局区域地质调查队 四川成都 610213)

摘 要:四川省木里县马家锰矿属于构造热液型锰矿床,地处甘孜—理塘断裂次级构造带上,区别于常规的沉积型锰矿床,其找矿难度较大。通过野外调查分析马家锰矿的成矿地质条件以及通过手持式矿石元素Niton XL3t 500分析仪器找矿,确定出了主成矿构造及次级成矿构造。后期通过槽及钻坑探等工程手段验证、取样分析得出,马家锰矿主要沿主成矿构造方向产出,次级成矿构造有支脉矿体,矿体深部跟地表对比,其矿体品位变化属较均匀,矿体厚度变化属中等。通过马家锰矿地质特征及成因探讨对于研究地槽区构造热液型锰矿床不仅具有理论研究价值,而且对于实践指导找矿有一定的借鉴意义。马家锰矿 矿床成因 主成矿构造 构造热液型中图分类号:文献标识码:文章编号:1674-098X(2014)07(b)-0218-03P618.51 A

Manganese ore geologic features and genesisin horse home of Mu Li City

LIAO Fang1 XI Xiao Yi2 YANG Zhi Ming3

(Regional Geological Surveying Team,Chengdu Sichuan 610213)

Abstract: Sichuan Mu Li horse home manganese ore belongs to the tectonic hydrothermal type manganese deposit,located in Gan Zi—Li Tang secondary tectonic belt,is different form the conventional type of sedimentary manganese deposit,the prospecting is difficult.Through field investigation and analysis of manganese metallogenic geological conditions and through hand—held ore elements Niton XL3t 500 analysis instruments,identified the main metallogenic structure and secondly , through the slot and drilling engineering means such as pitting validation, sample analysis, horse home manganese ore mainly along the main direction of metallotectonic output, secondary metallotectonic branch ore.ore’deep with the surface contrast, ore grade’s change is relatively uniform, ore thickness’s change is medium. horse home manganese ore geological characteristics and genesis through discussion for the study of geosyncline zone tectonic hydrothermal type manganese deposit has not only theoretical research value, but also has certain reference significance for practical ore-prospecting work.

Key words: horse home manganese ore deposit genesis main metallogenic tectonic tectonic hydrothermal type construction

马家锰矿勘查程度属于探矿权矿产详查程度,由于对矿床成因认识不足,找矿方法主要沿传统的沉积锰矿床成因找矿,外加地表植被覆盖较好,基岩出露较差,找矿成果一直不够理想。在2013年,四川省地矿局区调队通过手持式矿石元素Niton X L3t 500分析仪器用于地表沿矿化线索找矿,

确定出了主成矿构造方向,后期通过对主成矿构造垂直方向施工槽及钻坑探等工程手段验证、取样分析得出,锰品位最高达35.23%,锰主矿体长约700 m,沿倾向方向倾深约180 m,平均厚度达2.8 m,求获锰工业矿体矿石量106万t,低品位矿体矿石量18万t,其深部还具有进一步扩大远景的价


1 地质成矿背景






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