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双语:英国女性“椭圆”身材最多 你属于哪一种? 女性 身材 英国

更新时间:2017-10-28 19:02:47www.2ndflr.com云南旅行社181


TV star Dawn French has the most common female body shape among modern women in Britain, according to new research.


The 59-year old comedian has a figure known as 'The Oval' and experts believe one in five females in the UK have the same curved shape across their upper bodies as the Vicar of Dibley actress.


The Oval is among ten shapes defining British women in a study carried out by health and wellbeing brand Forza Supplements which looked at the bodies of 2,000 females.

健康品牌Forza Supplements进行了一项研究,通过观察2000名女性的身材,将英国女性的体型归为10种,椭圆形是其中一种。

One in six women are 'Diamonds' - the second most common category - wider around the hips but slightly thinner than Ovals around the bust, mimicking the shape of singer Adele.


The third most common size is 'The Bell', likened to American actress Lena Dunham - 12 percent have this dome-like shape which is wide around the waist and hips but trimmer around the bust.


In fourth place was 'The Cello' - 11 percent of women are shaped like the instrument with slightly wider hips but a perfectly proportioned bust - similar to Jennifer Lopez.


The classic Hourglass figure of Hollywood stars such as Halle Berry and Scarlett Johansson was in fifth place - 10 percent of women are said to have this enviable figure.


In sixth place was the Spoon - similar to the Hourglass but with wider hips - a figure similar to Kate Winslet and eight percent of British women.


The Ruler came in seventh - straight from top to bottom like Gwyneth Paltrow and seven percent of the female public.


Eighth place was the Column - like the Ruler but with more definition around the hips - a shape six percent of women have including the supermodel Cara Delevingne.


双语:英国女性“椭圆”身材最多 你属于哪一种? 女性 身材 英国:https://www.2ndflr.com/dm/yingguo/940010.html




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