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【图片】【UNDER THE DOME.EXE】英文版【穹顶之下吧】

更新时间:2018-02-27 17:56:29www.2ndflr.com云南旅行社173

The truck slowed, he started toward it … and then it sped up again. She gave him one more brief look as she went past. The smile was still on her face, but it had turned regretful. I had a brain-cramp there for a minute, the smile said, but now sanity has reasserted itself.
And Barbie thought he recognized her a little, although it was impossible to say with certainty; Sunday mornings in Sweetbriar were always a madhouse. But he thought he’d seen her with an older man, probably her dad, both of them with their faces mostly buried in sections of the SundayTimes. If he could have spoken to her as she rolled past, Barbie would have said: If you trusted me to cook your sausage and eggs, surely you can trust me for a few miles in the shotgun seat.


芭比认为他好像见过她,尽管不能确定的这样说,Sweetbriar 的星期天早晨总是又忙又吵,但是他认为他看到这女孩儿跟一个上了年纪的在一起,或许是她的父亲,他们两个都把脸深埋在《星期天新闻》报纸中,如果它能够在他经过的时候跟他说一下,芭比就会说:

But of course he didn’t get the chance, so he simply raised his hand in a little no-offense-taken salute. The truck’s taillights flickered, as if she were reconsidering. Then they went out and the truck sped up.

During the following days, as things in The Mill started going from bad to worse, he would replay this little moment in the warm October sun again and again. It was that second reconsidering flicker of the taillights he thought of … as if she had recognized him, after all. That’s the cook from Sweetbriar Rose, I’m almost sure. Maybe I ought to—
在接下来的几天中,米尔镇的境况每况愈下,他也总会在在这个温暖的十月阳光沐浴下一再回想这段时刻,那尾灯闪了两下,他寻思着,,好像她认出了他,毕竟,他可是Sweetbriar Rose的厨子啊,’嗯,我很确定,或许我应该‘

But maybe was a gulf better men than him had fallen into. If she had reconsidered, everything in his life thereafter would have changed. Because she must have made it out; he never saw the fresh-faced blonde or the dirty old Ford F-150 again. She must have crossed over the Chester’s Mill town line minutes (or even seconds) before the border slammed shut. If he’d been with her, he would have been out and safe.

Unless, of course, he’d think later, when sleep wouldn’t come, the stop to pick me up was just long enough to be too long. In that case, I probably still wouldn’t be here. And neither would she. Because the speed limit out that way on 119 is fifty miles an hour. And at fifty miles an hour …


At this point he would always think of the plane.

【图片】【UNDER THE DOME.EXE】英文版【穹顶之下吧】:https://www.2ndflr.com/dm/shijie/942080.html





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