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更新时间:2017-10-22 16:33:48www.2ndflr.com云南旅行社74

Marini S.P.A is a famous worldwide manufacturer of asphalt plants and road building equipment. Its asphalt plant joined the construction of China highway , and got wide recognition by many Chinese road construction companies.As an international group, FAYAT Group based on six major core business: Civil engineering and construction, steel works, electric and information technology, road building and maintenance, material handling & hoisting equipment, pressure vessels. Fayat Group is the biggest road equipments manufacturer in Europe, and No. three in world asphalt plant field. Fayat group also involves in service and red wine field, which has 86 subsidiaries, turnover is over 23 hundred million Euros, and has more than 10,000 employees.Marini-Fayat Machinery China Co. Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiaries company in China by Fayat Group, which is established in Langfang economical and technical development zone in the year of 1997 with the aim to manufacture and sell Marini asphalt plant and other road building equipment and provide after sales service and accessories accordingly, in order to extend the most advanced technology in China.As the developing of the company, we need more and more high quality talents join us. As we believe talent is also the primary productive force, the competitive and complete salary system (five kinds of insurance and public house fund) and training opportunities will be provided. And we also provide the most possibilities for employees’ development. We sincerely welcome you join our company.Please provide your resume both in English and Chinese, and let us know your salary expectation, and the position you apply for. No repetition of the resume. Thank you very much.玛连尼公司是世界久负盛名的专业生产沥青拌和站和筑路设备的生产厂家,其沥青拌和站最早参与了中国高速道路的建设并得到国内众多道路施工单位的广泛认可。FAYAT(法亚)集团是一家独立的跨国企业集团,主要活跃于以下六个主要领域:土木工程与工民建、钢结构、电子电气与信息技术、道路建设与养护、物流与吊装设备以及压力容器制造。他是欧洲最大的筑路设备制造商,其生产的沥青拌和站在世界排名第三位。法亚集团同时还涉及服务领域和葡萄园产业,集团在全球拥有86个子公司,实现年产值超过23亿欧元,拥有近1万名雇员。玛连尼-法亚机械中国有限公司为法国法亚集团旗下在中国设立的一家全资子公司,公司于1997年在河北廊坊经济技术开发区注册成立,其目的是在中国生产并销售玛连尼的沥青拌和站和其他筑路设备并可提供配套的服务及配件,以便在中国大力推广世界最先进的筑路机械技术。由于公司的扩大和发展,需要更多的高素质人员加入我公司。公司秉承人才也是第一生产力的理念,会提供有竞争力的和完善的薪酬体系(五险一金)及相应的培训机会。同时我们也为员工的个人发展提供广泛和持续发展的可能性。众多职位虚席以待,诚聘英才!工作时间:8小时工作制,双休。加班有加班费,晚上1.5倍加班费,周末加班2倍加班费。公司待遇:基本工资+岗位津贴+加班费+绩效奖+全勤奖。其他福利:五险一金+免费工作餐+免费市内班车+带薪年假+带薪病假+员工结婚礼金/生育礼金等。请应聘者注明期望薪资待遇;注明应聘岗位!请勿以附件形式发送,谢谢!公司邮箱hr@marini-china.com





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