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巴基斯坦网民评论:中国当局批准在CPEC中列入三个信德省项目 [巴基斯坦黎明报

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巴基斯坦网民评论:中国当局批准在CPEC中列入三个信德省项目 [巴基斯坦黎明报]

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原文地址:标题:Chinese authorities approve inclusion of 3 Sindh projects in CPEC 中国当局批准在CPEC中列入三个


标题:Chinese authorities approve inclusion of 3 Sindh projects in CPEC




Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal attends the JCC meeting in Beijing. ─ Photo courtesy CPEC website

计划与发展部长Ahsan Iqbal在北京出席中巴经济走廊远景规划联合合作委员会会议

Chinese authorities have in principle approved inclusion in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) of three development projects in Sindh including the Karachi Circular Railways, Keti Bandar and Special Economic Zones (SEZs), Sindh CM House said Thursday.


The decision was taken in the 6th Pakistan-China Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) meeting regarding CPEC held in Beijing.


Members of the Pakistani delegation in Beijing for the JCC meeting. ─ Photo courtesy CPEC website


The Pakistani delegation was led by Planning and Development Minister Ahsan Iqbal, while the Chinese delegation was led by Vice Chairman Mr Wang Xiaotao.

巴基斯坦代表团由计划与发展部长Ahsan Iqbal带头,中方的代表团领导则是国家发改委副主任王晓涛同志。

In his opening remarks, Ahsan Iqbal highlighted the significance of development projects in Gwadar, making a case for the master city plan and related projects in the city which he said are likely to bring socio-economic stability to Gwadar, according to the CPEC website.

Ahsan Iqbal在他的公开发言中强调了在瓜达尔开发项目的意义,为城市的主体规划以及相关的项目做了示范,为瓜达尔的社会经济稳定做出了贡献。

The minister stressed upon timely completion of the Gwader water supply project, hospital and technical institute projects in order to facilitate residents of the area, and appreciated Chinese commitment to supporting the mass transit railway project in the provincial headquarters.

Ahsan Iqbal着重强调了瓜达尔供水设备、医院及技术学院等项目的完工造福了当地的居民,并对中方承诺在其省会帮助建设轨道交通工程表示感谢。

He added that one industrial zone in each province has been identified and selected on the basis of its market attraction and principles of business.


After a presentation by Sindh Chief Minister Murad Shah, the JCC decided to include the projects and asked the Sindh government to present a feasibility report within next three months.

在信德省省长Murad Shah发表完一段讲话后,会议决定将项目列入中巴经济走廊项目,并且要求信德省政府在接下来的三个月内提供一份可行性报告。

It was expected that the Chinese government would announce financing of $1 billion for the completion of the three projects under the CPEC. The amount was to be spent on the construction of three additional routes related to the western route of the CPEC, according to officials quoted by Dawn earlier.


The Pakistani delegation also included Minister for Railway Khawaja Saad Rafique, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Tariq Fatemi, Chairman of the Board of Investment Miftah Ismail, Khbyer Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Pervaiz Khattak, Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah, Balochistan Chief Minister Sanaullah Zehri, Gilgit-Baltistan Chief Minister Hafizur Rehman and Minister Industries Punjab Shiekh Allauddin.

巴基斯坦网民评论:中国当局批准在CPEC中列入三个信德省项目 [巴基斯坦黎明报:https://www.2ndflr.com/dm/bajisitan/940022.html




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