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更新时间:2017-10-12 05:17:13www.2ndflr.com云南旅行社145




原文标题:China confirms takeover of Pak's Gwadar port

BEIJING: Ahead of Pakistan Premier Raja Pervez Ashraf's visit here, China today tacitly confirmed reports that it was taking over the strategic Gwadar deep water port in Balochistan, which it may convert into an oil pipeline hub to augment its energy supplies from the Gulf.

Asked about Pakistan Shipping Minister Babar Khan Ghauri's remarks that China may take over the port operations with USD 10 billion investment following pullout of Singapore Port Authority (SPA), Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said both countries are engaged in cooperation to build infrastructure projects. "China and Pakistan are neighbours of traditional friendship. Over the years, China and Pakistan have engaged in wide-ranging cooperation in all fields including infrastructure construction with a view to helping Pakistan improve people's well-being and promote social and economic development," Hong said in a written response to a query from . "Such cooperation is also beneficial to regional stability and development," he said, without directly referring to Babar's comments.

He also did not say whether the issue would be discussed during Ashraf's visit to attend the World Economic Forum 2012, also known as Summer Davos, starting from September 11 at Tianjin city. The forum would be inaugurated by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, who is expected to hold talks with Ashraf on its sidelines. Pakistani officials have long been pushing for China's takeover of the port to make it an oil pipeline hub for China connecting with the Karakoram Highway.





Jon Joseph (Kozhikode (Calicut), Ind)
This is a threatening move from Chinese side.
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Rakesh Goel (Newcastle UK) replies to Jon Joseph
What can we do.They have encircled us.
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Make Me Smile (Follow me)
Indian politicians are busy handling scams and they are not at all bothered about such news. Its we Indians who are getting worried and eventually frustrated as our Government will do nothing to protect our intrest for next generation.
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Sunil Menon (Mumbai)
Please take-over whole of Porkistan so you die too with these morons. In any case you both are arch-enemy No.1 of India
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chetan (Siberia)
Congrats China...I never knew that still there are assets which are left unsold by Pak leaders..The country itself is under mortagage to Bank (America and China)..If one of them pulls the rug Govt will not be able to pay salary...
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Rakesh Goel (Newcastle UK)
China does not follow the middle path .It takes all decisions in its National interest. First a port in Sri Lanka, Greece and then Pakistan. Our netas our busy scamming.
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nearmsp (USA)
Great strategic move by Pakistan to keep it eggs in both US and China basket. I guess with this done, China will probably ask SL to give it one port to protect its territorial waters from Indian excursions. India was publicly berating the US for trying to find allies to "contain" China. Guess what, China is containing India. India does not have good relationships with any of its neighbors - Nepal, Burma, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka. The list goes on. And all these country people are Indo Aryans and have more cultural ties with India not China. India has mismanaged all its relationships for short term political gains.
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Amused (US of Asia) 12 hrs ago
China sneezes, India trembles.
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Rohan Suley (Mumbai)
A Great Move By Dragon .... But Whats Need To Be Analysed Is The Strategy Behind This Move ...Though They Are Giving Reason Of Oil Pipe Line , The Actual Reason Must Be Different . Dragon Always Think Too Far And They Also Succeed In Doing So ...Lets See ...
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rajiv mehta (ncr)
Hope China does what East India Company did to India. For India it is good news--next generation will not be afraid of Fundamentalist Pakistan,because China will take care of it.
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Vivek Nandan (Delhi)
good . Some day we will hear news of china takeover of whole Pakistan!
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Rajguru (delhi)
The port will provide strategic foothold and location's advantage to China. Though the development not good for India the port is a win-win for both China and Pakistan.
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MAHA IBRAHMIN (Brahmavartha) 11 hrs ago
India must immediately handover Bombay port to USA, to counter balance China-Pak friendship.
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VVSebastian (Vancouver, Canada.) 11 hrs ago
I can not immagine how more stuppid a Government can be like Pakisthan. China has been claiming Islands, normal land etc. from all it's neighbors saying that it belongs to China. Pakistan has a boarder with China and it is very easy for China to claim the whole of Pakistan as part of China where they are investing money and doing free infastructure works like building roads etc. free to show that it is out of friendship. China never had been a good neighbor friend to any country. My Paki friends, please wake up before it is too late. I would not be surprised that within the next 10 years we will see a China map including Pakistan.
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